This Above All

Hamlet And The Art Of Ageing Brilliantly

A book for grown women and misfits who have progressed through the old and the new material on personal growth and find these books no longer speak to where they are in their lives.  Mature women are past the elementary stages of self-understanding, the issues and concerns of their lives are not what they were when they were young wives, mothers, nuns or single career women.

The topics this book covers are not wildly different from the subjects covered by mainstream texts on personal growth: spirituality, health, body-image, personal power, grief and loss, relationships etc.  All these are familiar topics but here they are given a new emphasis because the discussions are designed for mature women who are in an evolutionary sense, misfits and it is the misfits who make for creative shifts.

Available in a paperback edition.

“Throughout evolution it has always been the misfit that has been the agent of creative change. Misfits continually cause the present to be transcended.” 

Darryl Reaney

Paperback: AUD$15.00 + Postage