
Matt 9:14 Mk 2:18 Luke 5:33 The Pharisees criticize Jesus because he enjoys Himself whereas ‘truly religious people’ like John Baptist, for example, fast, pray, and preach dreary sermons about sin and the degraded nature of humanity and God’s coming vengeance. Whereas all Jesus does is wander around telling wonderful stories, healing the sick, eating […]

One of my very most favourite writers on spiritual matters believed and promoted the idea, so unusual in Christian writings, that God was enjoying Himself and wanted us to join in, and the man who said that was a member of the most venerable of Religious Orders! This is a far remove from the Middle Ages when it was thought heresy to suggest that Jesus might have laughed.

This little book was written for my daughter Elain because she enjoys historical books and films but, as she didn’t get any English or European history at school has little idea where ‘everyone fits’. Not everyone who played a part in the making of history is included in these pages but, I hope everyone who […]

Throughout evolution it has always been the misfit that has been the agent of creative change. Misfits continually cause the present to be transcended. Darryl Reaney As a lifelong misfit I was much cheered many years ago by reading Dr Darryl Reaney’s book The Death of Forever.  There was so much in this work that […]

This revised edition of Seeking Sophia has been prepared for use on-line.  It may be thought that in a world where so many books are published each year one that has been around for quite some years would not need to be re-issued.  Two factors have persuaded me to make it once more available.

Grief’s Hermitage is an anthology or common-place book for anyone grieving who wants something to dip into now and then when sadness is looking for the odd clue or for a momentary balm. The pieces are not arranged to be read progressively; grief is the only organising principle. To arrange the material according to ‘the […]