
To simplify this topic, I am going to refer to the Human Potential Movement (HPM) as a blanket term for a phenomenon that does not have defined parameters, in which certain language, models and concepts revolve loosely around the term ‘the Universe’ to describe the Source, the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

Are you He that should come or are we to wait for another? Matthew 11: 2-11. This is John Baptist’s, question from prison.  He sent his disciples to Jesus because  he wanted to know what was going on with the Messiah he had been extolling. Had he got it right?  Jesus’ answer was to point […]

As I have said before, I believe that there is value in understanding our past, the models and motivations that formed where we are now. There were ways of understanding the human situation, interpreting what was necessary and good which have changed so much that only the older generation know that they were ever ‘normal […]

My discussion of God, for the purposes of comparison with the current use of the term “the Universe”, is what I like to call “The God that Richard Dawkins doesn’t believe in”. I found this term in a review of a book by Dawkins in which the reviewer concluded “I don’t know anyone who believes in the God that Richard Dawkins does not believe in” I have tried to sketch some of the components of that mythical being.

This continues my tribute to a dying breed, a generation of women of sixty odd years ago whose contribution to the world has never been applauded neither has their pain, striving and sacrifice been acknowledged. They are the women who by their ordinary effortful lives facilitated the momentous shifts in human consciousness that allows the […]

It is obvious to anyone who gives the matter a moment’s thought that spirituality, God and our understanding of the universe are vastly different from what they were less than fifty years ago. It is interesting to explore those differences. How they have come about, what do they mean and to what do they point? […]