
Grief’s Hermitage is an anthology or common-place book for anyone grieving who wants something to dip into now and then when sadness is looking for the odd clue or for a momentary balm. The pieces are not arranged to be read progressively; grief is the only organising principle. To arrange the material according to ‘the […]

This Year for Joy is a day book or bedside book. The daily readings are a potpourri of myths, poems meditations, and the occasional anecdote set within a contemporary Christian context. There are suggestions for activities and meditations for most days and each month clusters loosely around a theme, pegged by the old calendar of […]

Archaeologists and anthropologists attest to the fact that aeons ago, before man recorded history, the Great Mother was worshipped as the foremost deity. In historical time, in the Mediterranean world and beyond, in the centuries before Christ, Isis was known as ‘the greatest god of all the nations’.  Sophia became the ‘legitimate’ representation of the […]

Here are a few typical texts that have perpetuated ancient attitudes and determined the lives of women from the beginning until only a few decades ago.   They are not attitudes specific to Christian teaching but the sacred texts have been powerful in persuading women of their place, and of what God requires of them.  Few […]

The New Testament was written by men and for men and 2,000 years of Christian teaching has always taken masculine experience as the norm; challenging that norm brings up some surprising reversals. If one is going to study the New Testament intelligently in the twenty-first century there are a few things that must be taken […]

There is a very important question, for me, about the teaching and traditions of the Crucifixion.  I wonder if there is more about sinful man than about the love of God?  Humans have such an agenda about inadequacy, failure, and downright wickedness that this underlying sense of never being good enough becomes more important than […]